For anyone who hasn't been watching the E3 live conferences, here's the general highlights so far, though a lot more "fluff" has been announced which I haven't included:
- New Tomb Raider game, explained as open world and with a young Lara Croft
- Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 1 remake
- Minecraft on the Xbox with Kinect
- Halo 4, first of a new Halo trilogy
- Silent Hill HD collection
- Metal Gear Solid 2/3/Peace walker remakes
- New Silent Hill
- Zone of the Enders HD collection
- Mass Effect 3 live demo and gameplay trailer
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Battlefield 3 on the Frostbite 2 engine
- Rayman: Origins
- Driver: San Francisco
- Far Cry 3
- Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- New Trackmania
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- Uncharted 3
- Resistance 3 bundled with Move
- Ico and Shadow of the Colossus 3D
- Infamous 2
- Starhawk
- Sly 4
- Bioshock Infinite
- Bioshock on PSVita
- Modnation racers on Vita
- SF vs Tekken on Vita
- $250 and $300 models of Vita